The faces behind the InX Manufacturing team 

The phrase ‘unlocking the power of people’ is a common theme within The IN Group brands, but this is especially important to the InX manufacturing team.  

Having worked as together for many years (even across multiple companies), this team knows each other inside and out which has meant they work as a strong business unit to deliver the most to their candidates and clients.  

Forming long-lasting relationships is crucial to the whole team, which is why when the InX brand manager asked if they would sit down for a team interview, they were more than happy to.  

Take a read at the full interview below to learn more about the InX manufacturing team and why they do what they do!  

Rebecca: You’re a busy group to pin down but now I finally have you all in a room let’s kick this off so everyone can get to know you a little better – professionally but also personally. First things first, can you tell us more about you and your role at InX? 

Sam: I’m the team’s delivery consultant and I am responsible for the delivery and management of executive candidates across multiple functions including HR, Engineering, Operations and Sales. 

Before joining InX, I spent eight years recruiting in the UK construction market. I recruited for both temporary and permanent blue-collar electricians and plumbers, however I made the move to InX as I wanted to progress my career into executive search. After meeting with the team, I knew this was the right move and it has been a great transition. 

Ellis: Before joining InX in February 2020, I worked as a global headhunter purely focusing on key account management and business development managers across automotive and automotive technology. I developed a wide network across Europe and the US, and overtime those contacts progressed into leaders and executives, so that allowed me to focus also within the executive space.   

I then moved to Investigo back in 2020 to lead and grow the commercial and business development division across the global manufacturing industry, working with executives and C-level contacts. This is where our team really developed a partnership and long-term approach with our clients. We understand that clients and candidates need something that isn't just a solution at present but a long-term partnership. 

Reiss: I started my career 11 years ago in finance, after studying for a qualification whilst working at a growing start-up. Although academically focused and strong in finance, the environment I was in allowed me to get exposure to a lot more than just finance, such as client meetings, exhibitions, opening of new stores and manufacturing processes. Without telling you my life story, I used these experiences to find my way into what I saw more fitting; the client facing world of recruitment within manufacturing. My passion for working with people increased, and so did my enjoyment of working in the HR field as well as finance. 

Before I moved into my role in manufacturing at my past company with the team, I had a very short stint working at Investigo before deciding to come back after I had found my craft. When leaving, InX/Investigo was always an environment and company I said I would come back to once I had found my feet. And years later it happened. We set up our division as the first international manufacturing practice in the business and along with leading the division, my focus is executive HR and finance search across the sector. 

Connor: I began my career around eight years ago, starting within the electronics space focusing on the same area. Then, through natural progression I expanded and developed my network within the wider manufacturing space. I joined InX along with the team [Ellis and Reiss] as we thought this was the right company to really level up the calibre of service and reach that we could offer our clients through being part of a company that drives empowerment and autonomy; and we were definitely correct in doing so! 

In my role now I’m responsible globally for all operational, technical engineering and general management mandates across our manufacturing clients from leadership to executive level. 

Rebecca: So you’re all part of InX, but if someone were to ask you how would you describe InX manufacturing in less than 30 seconds – what would you say? I asked you to prepare some answers, so let’s hear them. 

Sam: I would say, InX manufacturing connects the world’s leading manufacturing business with experienced premier executive talent across a variety of business functions: Commercial, Operations, Engineering, HR and Finance. 

Ellis: InX partners with and connects with the very best executives globally, while supporting some of the biggest manufacturing companies globally. 

Reiss: A group of specialists in their fields who have worked together across two organisations and were friends before becoming team members. We've worked through some of the toughest years of recruitment and COVID and made it out the other end. As a result, we’ve formed a strong team with client and candidates’ best interests at the core of what we do. 

Connor: InX manufacturing is more than just a team, we’re a real family unit. Having worked together for over eight years we have grown, succeeded, and developed together; and have built long-lasting relationships with clients through our genuine care for all our contacts. 

Rebecca: You’ve told us how you would describe manufacturing within InX which was great, but let’s get a little more personal. Tell us more about the team and what makes you stand out from competitors?  

Sam: I truly believe the team stands out in the industry because of our partnership approach. We are always looking to build long lasting consultative relationships with our clients rather than just working with them on an odd job here and there sporadically. From working alongside the team and seeing their reputation in the market, the service and foundation of values and unique offerings they have provided from a solution standpoint, has received consistent feedback from clients. And that is unique within the consulting market.

Ellis: Partnerships is exactly what I wanted to highlight! I can say with certainty, what’s different about us as a team is that we put partnerships as the highest priority and make sure we work as a unit and not work in competition with each other.  

Reiss: I agree, by far what I love most about our team, and if you asked us last year it would have been our biggest frustration, is that we all bring a different strength to the table. This has helped us drastically improve our work over the years. There is no 'one size fits all' approach to our work and the foundation of our team is equal across the strengths everyone brings. 

The reason I mention frustration is that very honestly, when we [Reiss, Ellis and Connor] set up this team from our previous organisation we all had individual and very equal success from doing things VERY differently to each other. The first time we came together we had the knowledge that we have what it takes capability wise to be successful in our fields. However, what we didn't realise at first was how many clashes we would encounter along the way... no shame in admitting the meeting room bust ups we had in 2020 have led us to become a unit and very appreciative of what we each bring to each other and the market. 

There's an old proverb that says 'as iron sharpens iron, one person sharpens another' I like to think our team is the epitome of this. 

Connor: I really enjoy the hands-on side of work. I run a clothing brand in my free time as well as producing my own music, so immersing myself in the operations and engineering world allows me to interact regularly with likeminded people! 

Our team is unique as we have worked closely with each other for many years, including in a past company, which has built a real solid foundation of trust, integrity and chemistry that allows us to give elite level service to all our clients across all of our functional segments. 

Rebecca: I wanted to touch on misconceptions in executive recruitment. Many people have pre-conceived ideas about search firms, so I wondered if you’ve encountered this? 

Sam: Yes, I definitely think some people believe when looking to recruit executives they must use the larger firms. Sometimes it is perceived boutique operations like InX are unable to fill the most senior of positions, but we just keep proving time and time again that isn’t the case. 

Reiss: Many people think that we just place people into jobs to make money, and that we will place anyone anywhere. And in essence, yes, we make our living out of placing people into positions. But some of the biggest mistakes of my early career have come from placing people just to make a fee. 

Sometimes clients can assume we want to work on a role just because they have one open, however I believe it’s so important that a recruitment process should be a three-way win. Sometimes we’ll be working with a business for the first time and placing people we have known for nearly a decade who have never moved jobs into this new organisation. For this reason, relationships and an understanding of who we are working with is vital, and just as vital to the client that we know our candidates deeply. 

On the personal side, another extremely important topic we have to consider is that working internationally, you really have to take into account more than just the ‘right fit for the job’. Some people will have to speak deeply with their other halves, change their children's schooling and life direction all for the position that we’re representing. For that reason alone, it is an absolute non-negotiable that we need to have a real relationship with everyone we work with on both sides. It builds trust between all parties in the long run, but we still find this can be a hurdle with some business' who have an urgent need, so we’re working on this as a priority with all our future partners. 

Connor: I agree. There is a misconception that it’s all about money when this shouldn’t be the main driver. Our focus as a team is to build genuine connections with our contacts and from doing that, we really care about their aspirations and want to see them flourish. There is nothing more satisfying than that call to inform your candidate that they have just secured their dream job! 

We take a proactive approach with all of our contacts through connecting them with likeminded contacts across the whole teams contact book. We work collectively as a team rather than in competition to give them access and the ability to network with others in the manufacturing space and build relationships with other businesses. This has been really valued by a lot of my contacts and we have even seen multiple placements in the executive space coming from this method. 

Rebecca: I love that. It is so important to highlight these misconceptions so we can also show how you’re going about reversing these and fighting that stereotype! 

Moving back to the team now, I thought we could do a quick fire round to see how you guys describe each other. Sam let’s start with you. How would you describe Ellis personally and professionally? 

Sam: Professionally, I would say Ellis is incredibly driven which makes him extremely efficient and focussed when it comes to his searches. In all the time I have known him, he has always been able to deliver for his clients in a professional fast paced manner. It is great to be in the same team as him and learn his best practices when it comes to executive search.  

On a personal level, I would describe Ellis as very witty. He is always the first one to tell a joke or suggest a team outing. 

Rebecca: Let’s go to you next then Ellis – no pressure… How would you describe Reiss? 

Ellis: Reiss is someone who has a huge passion for people and relationships, and he puts this as his highest priority. His long-term approach makes him stand out to the rest and on a personal level he is the one to be around at a party! 

To summarise all of that down to three words I would say, driven, caring and reliable.  

Rebecca: I am tempted to ask you how you would all describe me now…Reiss let’s go to you now. How would you describe Connor? 

Reiss: You told me you would ask this, so I prepped an answer for this! 

Connor is by far the geek of the group when it comes to product and deep industry knowledge. As my focus is on HR/Finance, my product focus can sometimes become a bit wider than in ops' and commercial. I’d be lying if I told you I was a deep product specialist and for that reason I often collaborate with Connor to better understand exactly what is going on within a business' manufacturing process. 

Connor’s passions in life are all around manufacturing and the mechanics of creation, no need to note why he wears the Ops & Engineering crown in the team. He has a clothing brand in which he designs and manufacturers himself, and produces music, so you could say his brain is wired to be speaking to and understanding the world of operations and engineering on a day-to-day basis. There’s been a number of occasions we’ve been in client meetings and there’s been a look of the disbelief on their faces when they discover he is a recruiter and not an operations professional. 

Outside of the key point above that makes Connor a master at what he does, as a person outside of work, he is a good friend. He sees the good in people, both inside and out of work and does his best to make sure he brings it out of them as well. If anyone is having a bad time in the team, I wouldn't doubt that Connor is the man who will lift their spirits, and I’m sure this transpires in his working relationships and consulting as well.   

If I had to condense that into three words I would say, passionate, driven and loyal. 

Rebecca: Great answer – no pressure Connor but you’re next! How would you describe Sam?   

Connor: He is a delivery machine! I don’t think I have met someone as efficient or as accurate on searches as Sam! He has such a great reputation in the company as always working hard and doing everything with a positive attitude. 

If I had to pick three words, I would say hardworking, dedicated and highly-detailed. 

Rebecca: I asked you before this interview to write down what everyone is the go-to person for, and it is pretty amazing you all said something similar which really shows how close you are as a team! You said: 

Reiss is the go-to person for… 

  • Anything related to long-term partnerships, client solutions or seeing the bigger picture! He sees things from a unique angle that gives us as a team a huge amount of value!  

  • Leading the segment on all things corporate functions. However, he is so much more than this. Reiss is one of, if not the strongest, leaders I have ever seen in building long-lasting relationships and adding value in any way possible through his personable approach. If you meet Reiss, you will know it is literally impossible not to love him. He is an amazing guy both inside and outside of work and consistently goes above and beyond on everything that he does. 

Sam is the go-to person for: 

  • Complete hard work and efficiency! He truly has the best focus when trying to find the top candidates on the market. He is meticulous in his work and I know I can trust him with anything. Oh, and he takes part in numerous marathons, which he only mentions 5 times a day.... 

  • Efficiency and outcomes. In my entire career I have never seen anyone produce work like Sam to the detail and extent he does in the timeframes he does it in. We call him the silent assassin internally – the reason being at a glance over desk you may not even know what he's up to and out of nowhere he will come and present some of the best findings and project work we've seen as a division. This mindset reflects him on the personal side too. He runs marathons on a few weeks’ notice, and I’ve seen him eat the world’s hottest curry multiple times without batting an eyelid whilst on the phone having a normal conversation. The master of zero distractions. 

Ellis is the go-to person for: 

  • Setting the pace of the team; he has one of the best work ethics I’ve ever seen. He is great at making assertive decisions, always stays extremely client centric and is as resilient as they come when it comes to working tough searches and staying outcome driven. 

  • Your needs in commercial functions. Having also been in the market for almost 10 years, I would really consider Ellis an absolute expert in this field. He has really embodied the style needed to build great relationships in the commercial space and through this, is able to bring a different calibre of knowledge and importantly, market insights, when it comes to collaborations. On top of this Ellis is a real work horse, sometimes we have to remind him to take a break every now and then! 

Connor is the go-to person for: 

  • Anything technical related and to understands the product side! Something we always say about all of us is that we all work within a function that fits our personality and that is no different with Connor. On a personal level - any new music. He always has top recommendations.  

  • Providing alternate solutions, technical consulting and understanding highly complex business situations and specialist searches. Connor can educate the team on differences across the manufacturing sector and has a great long-term network of contacts he has served since 2014. He also has great energy internally and you can always rely on him to boost the team morale when needed. 

Rebecca: It has been great talking to you all about your team and it’s clear your dynamic helps you grow the InX brand and business so thank you! 

Final one from me, going back to executive recruitment. What is the best piece of advice you have for business leaders looking to hire / looking for a new role? 

Sam: I always say to executives, work with a consultant that values your time and your business. Ensure they want to work collaboratively and are not only interested in the end fee! At the end of the day, it is a big step moving roles and you want to make sure everyone is in it for the right reasons. 

Ellis:  This can vary depending on the need of the client or value needed to make an impact on the business, however I always make sure they have a clear vision to start with to make sure an executive feels it’s the environment that they want to be in.  

Another important bit of advice is to make sure you are proactive with hiring. The market is fast-moving, especially in the US market so you need to give executives time to go through that hiring journey to make sure both you and the client and the executive are the right match. 

Reiss: This is sometimes different at the very top of the C-suite if we're hiring people to create a culture or vision, but generally it is overlooked that the person we’ll find you is going to be bought in and joining because of YOUR leadership. It makes our approach more honest and enjoyable when we can go to the market and speak from the heart about the businesses and people we're representing. 

Whether through us, talent acquisition or a competitor, invest a bit of time upfront building a relationship with your recruitment partner. It may not feel like something worth keeping in the priorities, but I could tell you all of the best manufacturing leaders to work for based on how much good they've had spoken about them over the desk. The only way I can differentiate who these people are internally is from the return investment of our partners, and it is very rewarding to see team members in the office excited to hire someone into a team of someone they trust. 

Connor: I go by the 50/50 rule in split of technical fit and culture fit. Cultural fit / team integration is just as important as the expertise of the candidate, especially for longevity. 

I would also say, since Covid, the market has really become more proactive rather than reactive, so work ahead of time to plan for potential pipelining/openings to get a deeper level of access to candidates in the market. 

Whether you’re looking to strengthen your leadership or you’re a senior manufacturing professional looking to make a real difference for an organisation, get in touch with our manufacturing team to find out how we can help you. 


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