Spotlight on acceleration: Manufacturing

The production line never stops

The manufacturing industry continues to build on the momentum it gained emerging from the pandemic. But with high rates of inflation, economic instability, sourcing bottlenecks and global logistics backlogs, there are challenges on the horizon. Global market changes are swift and wide-reaching, having a massive effect not only on your operations but on your hiring plans. To continue to thrive, organisations need to recognise these market changes as they happen and adapt accordingly.

At the same time as there are challenges, there are opportunities. For the last couple of centuries, the manufacturing industry has rarely stood still; now it’s accelerating like never before, with AI and data being used to enhance the manufacturing process and automation bringing higher productivity, greater accuracy and lower costs. Manufacturing organisations can either choose to be intimidated by the rate of change and get left behind, of they can embrace the benefits.

Now more than ever businesses in manufacturing are realising consistent growth and ensuring they are well prepared for any challenges the world might throw their way. During the 2020-2021 period of the pandemic, a lot of the industrial space was hit hard by organisations’ inability to be based onsite coupled with the global semiconductor shortage, meaning businesses were preparing for the worst. Since both of these issues have resolved themselves, we are seeing a lot of companies reassessing the way they hire to make sure they are staying proactive and have long term strategies to deal with a situation like this if it were ever to arise again.

Enmeshed in manufacturing

Our manufacturing team aren’t just immersed in the industry; the only way we can keep up with the rate of change in manufacturing is by being a part of it, whether in automotive, packaging, industrial, or food and beverages. In fact, there’s barely a month that goes by when our team aren’t travelling between Europe, the USA and Asia to spend time with our clients, which allows them to understand their challenges and the way they work. By being on the front line of the manufacturing process, we get a first hand view of how market conditions are affecting manufacturing organisations and can see where our clients need to transform and strengthen.

Ready to scale

Any good manufacturing process needs to be able to adapt to new developments and shifts in demand. In the same way, we adjust the scope of our operations to suit your search for talent. If you need a manufacturing leader in operations, finance, sales, purchasing, engineering or HR on a permanent or interim basis, or you need a team restructure or an entire executive board, we put all the parts in place to make it happen.

Whether you’re looking to strengthen your leadership or you’re a senior manufacturing professional looking to make a real difference for an organisation, get in touch with our manufacturing team to find out how we can help you.


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